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M A R C   J U F E R




16 duets with 16 wonderful musicians in my new Double-LP

'BOTH' is an inspired and innovative project that provides an incredibly dynamic perception of Jufer's music released thusfar.


Imran Mirza

Digital version release on

Capture d’écran 2017-12-05 à



Physical Double-vinyl version with artwork cover included as a poster in the double LP and downloading code


Marc Jufer sax and compositions
Marylène Jufer, Painting

With :
Stefan Aeby, piano / Denis Corboz, fluegelhorn / Jésus Gomez, guitar / Loïc Grobéty, complemented double bass / Pierre Kuthan, double bass / Louis Matute, guitar / Martin Perret, drums / Cyril Regamey, drums / Julien Revilloud, guitar / Marcol Savoy, drums, fx & drum machine / Jean-Pierre Schaller, bass / Anne-Florence Schneider, vocal / Matthieu Trovato, piano / Marco von Orelli, cornet / Christian Weber, double bass / Yukari, flute

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